
Som vanligt när jag har bättre och viktigare saker för mig gör jag något annat istället. Som att fylla i den här listan som jag hittade till exempel. Sno gärna och fyll i själva vettja!

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense.

Will it be ok?
Manus- Lars Winnerbäck
How are you feeling today?
Borderline- Alison Krauss & Union Station (HAHA! Nog för att jag är bakfull, men såå illa är det väl ändå inte?)
How do your friends see you? Lebanon, Tennessee- Ron Sexsmith
Will you get married? Log at 25- Christian Kjellvander
What is your best friend’s theme song? Och sommaren fryser till is- Lars Winnerbäck
What is the story of your life? Heartbreakin Man- My Morning Jacket
What was high school like? Mercy- Grayson Capps
How can you get ahead in life? The Fools We Are As Men- Ryan Adams
What is the best thing about your friends? Hotwax- Beck
What is tonight going to be like? Older Cheats- Damien Rice
What is in store for the remainder of this weekend? Min Älskling Har Ett Hjärta av Snö- Lars Winnerbäck
What song describes you? Iväg Till Hemligheten- Lars Winnerbäck
To describe your grandparents? Cruel Mistress- Flogging Molly
How is your life going? I Think I´m Going To Hell- My Morning Jacket (Hehe, ehee...)
What song will they play at your funeral? So Long, Marianne- Leonard Cohen (Nja... Fint låt, men nej.)
How does the world see you? Dog Day Afternoon- Promoe
Will you have a happy life? Lost Cause- Beck (Hrm.)
What do your friends really think of you? Diamonds In The Mine- Leonard Cohen
Do people secretly lust after you? Rötter- Svenska Akademien
How can I make myself happy? Constant Consumption- Promoe (Hahahahaha!)
What should you do with your life? I Have To Quit You- The Solution
Will you ever have children? Fuckin With My Head- Beck

Haha. Om jag inte hade vetat bättre hade det verkat finnas skäl att bli deprimerad.

Postat av: Anonym

Haha, så bra! .y

2006-11-06 @ 16:57:17
Postat av: Fridens liljor

Hahaha! Det var den roligaste listan kanske någonsin! Synd att jag inte har musik på datorn...

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